Powerful Collaboration in Leadership: Embracing Delegation

By Al Dickenson
November 7, 2023

In both academic and professional settings, the collaboration is ever-present. While it can be a notion that conjures memories of group projects during college (for many people a challenging experience), once you get out of the classroom setting, it is often a more pleasant experience. However, these experiences hold valuable leadership lessons. One key lesson is the realization that the distribution of work within a team rarely adheres to an equal 50/50 split. In the professional world, it is not uncommon to see a 60/40 or even a 90/10 division of responsibilities. This can be based on a variety of reasons, and while this disparity may be disconcerting, it is a reality we must acknowledge. This is one of the key aspects of leadership everyone must learn.

Transitioning from college into the professional world usually brings a fundamental change: the burnout comes not from all-nighters to try and finish a project, but because of taking on an excessive workload in general and not having healthy boundaries. To succeed now, we need to learn to share the workload efficiently, which entails mastering the art of delegation and fostering effective communication within our teams.

The Art of Delegation

Effective Delegation: The first step to successful delegation relies on clear communication. Beyond just assigning tasks, we must convey expectations, deadlines, and desired outcomes explicitly. This clarity ensures everyone is on the same page, reducing misunderstandings and enhancing overall team productivity.

According to a digital Forbes article, effective delegation is a critical skill for leaders. It allows the leadership to focus on strategic aspects while empowering their teams to handle day-to-day tasks efficiently. When there are not as many pieces on their plate, they are more likely to plan the next course of action, either in relation to this specific project or perhaps other, long-term goals.

Building Trust: The second most important step in delegation is very closely aligned with the first: trust. Letting go of control and trusting our team members may be daunting, but it is crucial for collaboration. Trusting peers acknowledges their expertise and allows them to contribute their unique strengths to the project.

Leadership expert Jim Iyoob emphasizes the importance of trust in delegation. He argues that trust is the foundation of successful collaboration and that leaders who trust their teams tend to achieve better results. In the end, micromanagement never helps anyone involved. As discussed later in this article, trust is probably the most important aspect of effective collaboration, leadership, and productivity.

Equitable Task Distribution

In the professional world, it is crucial to recognize the contributions of others. While claiming all the important, visible tasks in a project may be tempting, it severely hinders collaboration. Giving credit where it is due is not only fair but also critical for building trust and maintaining healthy working relationships. In fact, by acknowledging the work of others and offering praise, even if it is small, can be the best way to build trust in a team environment.

Leveraging Individual Strengths

Collaboration thrives when individuals leverage their unique strengths. In group assignments, whether they are school or work related, you should work with peers to identify and allocate tasks to align with each person's talents, as illustrated by Morra Aarons-Mele of the Harvard Business Review. This proactive approach not only harnesses each member's expertise but also increases engagement and motivation.

Ask the Right Questions: Being an effective task allocator requires asking the right questions and hearing the answers presented. Different people may have different preferences regarding their roles in a project, or they may have different ideas of how the project should be managed, and it is not always obvious how they want to contribute. By asking questions in a proactive manner, you can hear how the other contributors may intend to be involved. By learning what aligns with their talents, many tasks can be assigned thoughtfully and optimally.

The Role of Trust

As previously mentioned, trust is truly the cornerstone of successful collaboration, and, more broadly, a productive work environment. However, trust is not always easy to come by. Trust is earned through clear communication, delegation, and equitable workload distribution.

What is Trust?: Trust within a team fosters an environment where ideas flow freely. When individuals trust that their contributions will be valued, they are more likely to share innovative ideas, propelling projects to new heights.

It is important to realize that trust goes beyond just professional life. This is not to say that you have to be best friends with all of your coworkers, but having an understanding of their past and current life, while also appreciating and fostering goals for future growth, can really make a difference in how someone trusts and approaches you. In another HBR article, writers Herminia Ibarra and Mark Lee Hunter make the point that leadership is not a vacuum, but a network. Let people come to you with their problems, whether work related or otherwise. Likewise, it is always possible you will have to rely on others to help you out of a sticky situation.

Conflict Resolution: In addition to being important for team building, trust also plays a pivotal role in resolving conflict. When collaborating with others, disagreements are inevitable, but a foundation of trust allows teams to navigate these challenges effectively. Just like interpersonal relationships, when team members and leaders who have a relationship built on trust can then engage in constructive dialogue, leading to better solutions and stronger relationships.

As we navigate the transition from college to the professional world, we must embrace the truth that collaboration is essential for success. The lessons learned from group projects extend beyond the classroom. Embracing the reality of workload distribution, mastering delegation, avoiding the "credit hog" syndrome, and harnessing individual strengths while building trust within the team are vital components of effective collaboration.

During your college career, you will undoubtedly be faced with some sort of group project or collaborative work environment. While it may be tempting to just plow through that work in hopes of getting it over with, you may be selling yourself short and unwittingly removing yourself from an excellent leadership lesson. Instead, relish this opportunity and learn from it. You never know how this experience could help you later, even if you are not in a leadership role.

In today's fast-paced, interconnected world, successful leaders understand that they cannot do it all alone. They recognize the power of collaboration and its transformative impact on projects and organizations. By applying these lessons, you can not only navigate the challenges of teamwork but also harness the full potential of collaborative efforts to achieve remarkable results in your professional journey. Collaboration is not just a buzzword; it is the driving force behind innovation, growth, and success in the modern workplace.

Al Dickenson

Al Dickenson graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran College with bachelor’s degrees in history, communication, and English. He currently serves as an editor for an international equine practitioners’ magazine in and around Milwaukee, Wisconsin, his hometown, where he lives with his wife. He also works as a freelance journalist, photographer, archivist, and historian, and he enjoys hiking and reading, particularly about history.
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